How Far will the Canucks Go?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2 Games Left

As the regular season winds down and the playoffs begin, Vancouver Canucks fans are finding themselves in a familiar situation and asking themselves famialiar questions. Who will we play in the 1st round, can we beat them? are the Canucks healthy? These are all questions that regular sports fans ask about their favorite teams before the big drive for the Playoffs. The only difference here, is that Vancouver Canucks fans will come out of the woodwork if they think there's a chance of a couple wins.

Here's what you should do for the next few days, while driving,walking ,biking etc. around your city, count how many Vancouver Canucks Flags you see on vehicles, how many people are wearing Canucks Jersey or Canucks Hats, Just look for Canucks paraphenalia in General.

Keep a mental note on how often you see these things throughout your regular daily activities. Now here's the fun part.........wait until our first Playoff loss then go about your daily routines and see if you notice a difference in the amount of Canucks fans that are advertising there allegiance to the the team. post your comments on this Blog and we will find out the results soon.

My point is .....Once again, the bandwagon, Vancouver Canucks fans need to decide whether or not they like the team and stay with their decision.

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